Monday, Oct. 9th: Last Day to turn in Superstar Reading sheets (reading log) for the 1st 9 weeks. Your child must read at least 20 books to receive a Super Star Reading award. This is a big deal, so please have your child reach his/her reading goal. Most of the students have already met their goal. Way to go!
Tuesday, Oct. 10th: Chick-fl-A Spirit Night
Thursday, October 12th: Student Early Release!
Friday, October 13th: Fall Picture Re-takes!
Oct. 16th-20th: Conference Week! (Early Release) I am looking forward to meeting with each of you during Conference Week to discuss your child's progress. We will go over Report Cards, assessments, and any questions or concerns you may have. Please keep in mind it is a 20 minute conference. We will try to talk quickly to give you all the information you need.
Specials for this week were sent home on the paper copy of the newsletter last Thursday.
Have a great week!
~Ms. Plumer