Download August 9 Newsletter
Message from our Foundation:
The Still Elementary School Foundation is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization formed to enhance opportunities for Still Elementary students. Thanks to financial and volunteer support from parents, staff and community sponsors, the Foundation can supplement enrichment opportunities and increasingly important components of the educational needs of our students for which the schools do not receive funding, and without the same restrictions by which the PTSA must abide. The Foundation board collaborates with parents, staff and administration to identify goals and prioritize spending for each school year and works collaboratively with the PTSA to ensure that funds, activities and efforts do not overlap or are
planned in conjunction with each other. Each entity has entirely different goals, but both are vital to the enhancement of
the educational opportunities for our students. This year the Still Foundation is working to fundraise for necessary student laptops that will not only enable online testing but increase the students’ exposure to more technology-based STEAM learning. Additionally, the Foundation is increasing its communications about new developments on campus at Still through its frequent postings on its Facebook page which can be found at the below link. We encourage you to visit the page and click to follow and receive notifications from it.